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53-year-old woman with a lesion on the left wrist
70-year-old with rubbery mass on lower back
Asymptomatic nodule on a 55-year old male
Asymptomatic red nodule on the posterior auricular scalp
Painless pink nodule on a thigh of a 94-year-old man
Sweat gland tumors
19-year-old male with a left leg lesion
74-year-old male with a nodule on dorsal foot
Asymptomatic nodule of the lower eyelid
Asymptomatic nodule on the finger
Painless unilateral eyelid swelling
Vascular papule on neck of a 79-year-old woman
Fibrous tumors
28-year-old man with an arm mass
45-year-old female with a finger mass (with zoomable virtual slide)
47-year-old male with a finger mass
56-year-old female with nasal papule
A 24-year-old African American male with a firm, non-painful nodule on the shoulder
A 6-month-old female with a finger mass
A 79-year-old-male with a "lump" on the thigh
An Infantile Scalp Mass (with zoomable virtual slide)
Back Mass, Elderly Male
Erythematous Lesion on the Back
Four-year-old with a flank mass
Grouped red-brown papules on the left dorsal hand
Mass on the foot of a 5-year-old girl
Nail bed lesion
Painless periorbital mass
Subcutaneous mass in a healthy infant
Upper thigh nodule in a 13-year-old girl
Neural tumors
57-year-old woman with a pretibial nodule
A 69-year-old man presented with a tender papule on his neck
Stable nodular lesion on the midline lower back (with zoomable virtual slide)
Vascular tumors
28-year-old male with a painful pink papule
29-year-old immunocompromised man with subcutaneous nodules
32-year-old woman with a red papule on the abdomen
85-year-old man with small pink papule
A 61-year-old female with a verrucous lesion on the calf
A slowly growing red nodule on the hand
Back Nodule
Mobile subcutaneous nodule on the thigh of a 29-year-old male
Multinodular plaque on the scalp of a 60-year-old male
Suspected Ingrown Toenail in a 17-year-old Patient
Other tumors
51-year-old man with a rapidly growing, thickened fingernail
An 80-year-old man with a lesion on his left lower leg
Multiple skeletal fractures and asymptomatic foot nodule (with zoomable virtual slide)
Solitary mass on the right thigh of an adolescent
Solitary nodular lesion on left leg
Subcutaneous nodule on the neck
Vulvar mass
Undifferentiated tumors
8-year-old boy with subcutaneous nodule of the upper arm
Melanocytic tumors
An 80-year-old male with a mass on the upper lip
Flesh colored papule on the neck of a 46-year-old male
Speckled pigmented patch
Erythematous plaque on chest of 62-year-old female
A 48-year-old female with a flesh-colored papule on the face
A 70-year-old man with a nodular lesion on the right auricle
A verrucous plaque on the wrist
Asymptomatic hyperkeratotic papule of the left forearm
Asymptomatic linear cluster of papules on the back of a 72-year-old female
A 68-year-old female with 10 x 10 cm thigh mass
Enlarging vulvar growth in a 51-year-old female
Small Finger Mass on a 44-Year-Old Male
60-year-old woman with a tender, rapidly growing nodule
80-year-old with painful chest nodule
75-year-old man with an eroded plaque on the back
66-year-old male with firm plaques on the trunk and extremities
Numerous monomorphic discrete red-brown macules and papules on the trunk and extremities of a 47-year-old male.
Thirty-two-year-old female with intermittent pain of the umbilicus
71-year-old female with linear, pruritic, hyperpigmented papules on her arm
70-year-old man with a scaly erythematous eruption
44-year-old with diffuse outbreak of blistering rash
A 53-year-old male with multiple blisters on hands and forearms
Painful mucocutaneous eruption in a middle-aged man
Granulomatous or Histiocytic
70-year-old man with a scrotal papule
86-year-old woman with a reticular rash
A progressively enlarging nodule on the face of a 32-year-old female
Isolated Painless Left Hip Plaque
Other inflammatory
54-year-old man with arthralgia, weight loss, fever and rash
A 72-year-old male with a red papule on the upper back
An Erythematous, Friable, Pedunculated Papule on the Abdomen
Infant with a papular rash
21-month-old male with chest nodule and scalp patch
23-year-old immunocompromised female with asymptomatic dermal plaque on proximal thigh
A 79-year-old-male with a "lump" on the thigh
Asymptomatic penile ulcer
Indurated plaque on the right upper extremity
Bacterial and spirochetal
23-year-old female with tender erythematous nodules over the medial thighs and volar forearms
A 25-year-old male with a painful nodule in the perianal region
A 59-year-old man presented with a history of a rash on his torso and upper extremities
Eschar on the leg of a 56-year-old woman
Wrist nodule on a 74-year-old man
Hemorrhagic lesions in a female with systemic lupus erythematosus
Pustular Dermatitis
Protozoa, helminth, marine and other infestations
Crusted plaque on the cheek of a medical student
27-year-old woman with several macules on the chest and neck
10-year-old with morbilliform rash
45-year-old female with multiple papular lesions on the vulva
47-year-old male with anosacral plaque
55-year-old woman with rash
62-year-old with patches on the knee
72-Year-Old Man with Papule of Medial Eye
A 2-year-old girl with verrucous papules
A 63-year-old woman with an enlarging erythematous plaque on the forearm (with zoomable virtual slide)
A persistent gluteal plaque
Asymptomatic skin colored papules in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Enlarging right thigh mass in a morbidly obese patient
Mass of the Shoulder
Multiple small yellow papules on the left lower neck
Vascular papule on neck of a 79-year-old woman
Collagen and elastin disorders
A 58-year-old man with multiple asymptomatic, slightly indurated thin plaques
Mass of the Shoulder
53-year-old woman with yellow papules
Diffuse dry, scaly skin with occasional blisters
Follicular neoplasm
66-year-old female with a scalp nodule
A slowly enlarging pearly papule
Autoimmune disorder
60-year-old male with a slowly growing subcutaneous nodule on the leg for six months
Fibrous tumors
A 31-year-old presents with a papule on the nasal bridge
Vascular tumors
Eyebrow mass in a 55-year-old male
Nodule on the scalp of a 76-year-old male
Lymphomatous infiltrates
Asymptomatic ecchymotic plaques on the chest
Intertriginous Lesions
Nine-month-old female with pruritic blistering
53-year-old woman with a lesion on the left wrist
60-year-old male with a slowly growing subcutaneous nodule on the leg for six months
A 2-year-old girl with verrucous papules
A 31-year-old presents with a papule on the nasal bridge
A 34-year-old female with a slowly enlarging yellow plaque on her left lower abdomen
A mass in the breast of a 34-year-old female
An enlarging right arm mass in a 7-month-old male
Back Mass, Elderly Male
Tender nodule on left calf of a 48-year-old-male
Fibrous tumors
An 11-year-old healthy male with an asymptomatic nodule on the scalp
Solitary nodule on the left calf of an elderly male
A 34-year-old female with a slowly enlarging yellow plaque on her left lower abdomen
90-year-old female with breast erythema and axillary lymphadenopathy
A 75-year-old male with violaceous papules and nodules on the torso and face.
Erythematous plaque on the shoulder of a 67-year-old male
An Asymptomatic Mass on the Wrist of a 44-year-old Female
49-year-old man with a patch of alopecia
Hair breakage in a 38-year-old patient
Numerous monomorphic discrete red-brown macules and papules on the trunk and extremities of a 47-year-old male.
Cysts, Sinuses and Pits
74-year-old woman with a subcutaneous nodule at the left angle of the jaw
Vascular disease
55-year-old woman with rash
63-year-old woman with a painful, retiform plaque of the lower extremity
Violaceous nodules on the extensor elbow of an adult female
Cutaneous Deposits
A Painful Indurated Plaque on the Shin
58-year-old man with a clinical impression of a neoplasm
Disorders of epidermal maturation and keratinization
74-year-old woman with spiny patch