2023 Laboratory Proficiency Testing
2023 Spring LP Program registration is closed.
Testing participants receive tissue specimens, which must be processed in their laboratories according to specific techniques. The microscopic slides are then sent to the director of the Laboratory Proficiency Testing. The director assesses the technical quality of the work performed and informs the participant of deficiencies. A certificate is issued to the laboratory if the work is satisfactory.
Results of the proficiency testing can be used to satisfy CLIA requirements for biennial testing.
Registration is not automatic. You must register for spring and fall Laboratory Proficiency Testing in order to participate. Certificate of completion will be issued upon satisfactory completion of each laboratory proficiency testing.
Who should participate?
Dermatopathology trainees – Slides, once performed and received, can be stored, scanned, and distributed in digital format to programs that can use them in evaluation of fellows and assessment of their proficiency.
Histotechnologists – The same scenario outlined for dermatopathology trainees can be used for assessment of histotechnologists and histotechnology trainees. The material provided and digitized can be provided to the laboratories on an as-needed basis for testing histotechnologists or performance evaluation measures.
Laboratory Directors – Five slides in each category (per stain) which are deemed exemplary during the review will be selected and posted anonymously on the web site. Additionally, up to five slides which are deemed unsatisfactory or barely satisfactory will also be posted to provide a self-troubleshooting opportunity to laboratories which do not complete the proficiency testing satisfactorily or are asked to establish an action and improvement plan. This will provide a further resource that laboratory directors, program directors and histotechnology supervisors can refer to while training personnel, troubleshooting stains, or comparing their controls on a daily basis.
Registration Fees
ASDP Member: $175
Non-Member: $275
No refunds after testing materials are sent.
Registration Deadline
Spring Program: March 15, 2023
Fall Program: September 1, 2023
For general information contact ASDP
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-847-572-2188